We need to work on biodiversity!

That we need to get to work on biodiversity comes as no surprise. MVO Nederland has developed 'Aan de slag (get to work)', a practical step-by-step plan to promote biodiversity. The plan helps you identify and reduce your impact on ecosystems and biodiversity. Click here for the step-by-step plan. 

At Eosta, biodiversity is one of the paddles of the sustainability flower.  The Sustainability Flower is a framework to Monitor, Manage, Market and Monetize the sustainability impacts of an organization or production process. This includes impacts on both natural and social capital. The Flower can be used to monitor the sustainable development of an organisation over time. Eosta uses the Flower to assess and communicate the sustainability performance of its growers. Each of the seven flower petals represents a vital aspect of the total environmental and social  impact: three for social capital, four for natural capital. The Sustainability Flower points the way to a sustainable food system and a green and fair economy - where ecology meets economy.

Biodiversity, which refers to the number of species of plants, animals and microorganisms (and their interaction), is crucial for a healthy and productive ecosystem. Healthy habitats consist of numerous species, which improves pollination, reduces soil erosion, acts as a natural pest exterminator and decomposes dung in pastures. On top of this, a high level of biodiversity leads to a more active soil life and a healthy ecosystem is more adaptive to environmental changes.

Key themes:

  • Plants species
  • Animal species
  • Fallow land
  • Use of chemicals
  • GMO free
  • Natural habitats

Read more: https://www.natureandmore.com/en/about-us/sustainability-flower


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