Organic Meyer Lemons, a sweeter experience

Hi, my name is Taner and I grow a.o. organic Meyer lemons in Turkey for Nature & More. Apart from being pesticide-free, organic lemons are not waxed. Better for you, better for the planet.

The Meyer lemon is a hybrid between a regular lemon and a mandarin orange. Compared to the regular (Eureka) lemon, Meyer lemons are: 

  • Smaller and rounder in shape 
  • Smoother, thinner zest (skin) 
  • Deep yellow to orange skin and dark yellow pulp 
  • Sweeter and less tangy 
  • in taste a smell more complex , spicy and herbal 
  • Juicier !

Curious to learn more? Visit the farm of Taner: - (code 445)

Contact your Eosta accountmanager for all details or send us an email: 


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