Argentinean Pears


Eosta procurement manager Peke van Beek would like to inform you that the overseas pear season has been started! The first shipment from Argentina by boat is ready for transport to your warehouse. We have delicious varieties like (Demeter) Williams and Red Bartlett. Both quality and quantity look very promising. Contact your Eosta account manager for all details and make sure you have your program scheduled as the European season comes to an end from mid March. 

Nature & More grower Sergio shared some photo's and a video from the packhouse in operation. He runs this familiy business in Argentina. Sergio: “We produce, process and market organic pears and apples from the high valley of the Negro river and Neuquén, in Argentina. We grow in line with biodynamic agriculture, building on the ideas of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy. Similar to organic farming, we don’t use industrial fertilizers, pesticides and week-killers. On top of that we use various herbal and mineral additives for compost and field spray and we make use of an astrological sowing and planting calendar. The starting point is that both animal welfare, the environment and fair trade are taken into account when producing food”. 

Visit my farm: - (code 608)

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